Fritz Manke Blitzschutz Essen 1

Advice on safety technology, lightning protection and fire protection in Essen

Lightning and fire protection in Essen plays an important role in protecting people's lives and safeguarding the substance of buildings. For us at the Fritz Manke GmbH fire and lightning protection as well as safety technology has been the focus of our work for over 120 years a great concern. We have only been able to stay in the market for this long because we train our employees very well. This way we guarantee that they have a convincing expertise to provide you with a very good result.

We advise private and corporate clients in the areas of:

  • Lightning protection Essen (lightning strike/lightning hazard, lightning protection analysis, hazard assessment, risk analysis)
  • Fire protection in Essen (technical fire protection, structural fire protection, organisational fire protection)
  • Safety engineering Essen (protection and testing of technical systems and much more).


Fritz Manke GmbH is a recognised installer company for fire alarm systems and smoke and heat extraction systems.

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We take a holistic approach in all areas, fulfilling both personal safety needs for fire protection in Essen or lightning protection in Essen, as well as all legal regulations, standards and requirements. Our special service is our emergency service, where you can reach us around the clock.

Our main focus: Effective fire protection in Essen

There are several legal requirements for fire protection in the building regulations of the federal states and municipalities. But also in the area of occupational safety, there are numerous regulations for fire protection in Essen. We at Fritz Manke GmbH will always install fire protection in Essen that complies with the law and withstands all inspections by the fire brigade or the public order office. You can rely on that.

For example, we support you in the creation of suitable fire protection concepts and offer training and education in the field of fire protection for your employees. We have the necessary expertise for consultations on all important points. We are also very familiar with fire protection in all trades and are happy to take over the regularly required and prescribed maintenance of your trades.

Of course, it is better if a fire does not start in the first place. That is why we are happy to provide detailed advice on the subject of fire prevention. Our customers include companies, businesses, private households, public authorities, hotels, property managers, architects and many more. We provide comprehensive, competent and detailed advice to anyone who needs fire protection in Essen.

There are three particular focal points in fire protection in Essen:

  • Plant fire protection (lightning protection, gas extinguishing systems, extinguishing water technology and fire extinguishers, emergency and safety lighting, fire detectors, SHEVS, fire protection flaps, safety lighting, smoke detectors)
  • Structural fire protection (installation of doors, fire partitioning, inspection closures, Promat cladding)
  • Organisational fire protection (safety marking, escape and rescue route plans, fire protection assistant training and further training)
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Safety through competence!

Whether commercial or private - security is the top priority when it comes to a property. As an owner, you are confronted with many questions. After all, nothing should be left out of consideration when it comes to this sensitive topic.

Burglar alarm systems

Video technology


Lightning protection Essen for all private and commercial properties

In addition to fire protection, lightning protection in Essen is also an important focus, as fires can very often occur in the event of a lightning strike. However, through years of experience and specialist know-how, we can offer you optimal concepts for internal and external lightning protection in Essen:
  • External lightning protection Essen: Lightning conductor.
  • Internal lightning protection Essen: Protection against electrical overvoltage
It goes without saying that the lightning protection in Essen complies with the "DIN EN 62305"(Lightning Protection Standards for the Safety of People, Animals and Technology), which contains general principles for the protection of structural installations and persons. In addition, we naturally observe the other legal requirements. To give us an initial overview and to be able to offer you the perfect lightning protection in Essen, we offer the following services:
  • Lightning protection analysis
  • Risk assessment
  • Risk analysis

All fire protection solutions in 360 °

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Essen safety technology for your electrical devices

The security technology sector in Essen is aimed at private individuals, companies, institutions and authorities. This involves:

  • Fire alarm systems
  • E-Check (test for all portable electrical equipment and devices)
  • Modern burglar alarm systems (repair and installation of systems including appropriate maintenance package)
  • Video technology (including maintenance package)

We will be happy to advise you on suitable installations for your Essen security technology and support you with the installation of state-of-the-art technology as well as suitable maintenance packages.

If you are interested in a consultation in the area of security technology Essen, you are welcome to make an appointment with us. Before installing systems, doors or the like, we will check the situation on site and will be happy to provide you with a suitable offer.

In addition to safety technology in Essen, we are also happy to advise you on suitable options for fire protection in Essen or lightning protection in Essen. It is best to contact us right away Contact and make an appointment for a consultation. We look forward to meeting you!

Frequently asked questions

Burglar alarms and video surveillance are extremely helpful in private and commercial areas. A burglary report can be quickly followed up by the police or even dissuade the thieves from carrying out their deed. Video surveillance for constant monitoring of the house and property also has a deterrent effect, but in an emergency the recordings can help to quickly solve burglaries, thefts, damage to property or vandalism.

Fire protection is not only about prevention, but also about active intervention in case of emergency. Therefore, fire protection involves various measures that can prevent the fire, contain its spread or support the protection and rescue of living beings as well as effective extinguishing work in an emergency. We teach you all the important aspects that are involved in this in our training courses on fire protection.

If there is a fire in your company, the rescue of people and the quick evacuation and extinguishing depend on many factors that you can organise well in advance. We show you how to draw up fire brigade plans or escape and rescue plans, which doors (with panic locks) improve escape route safety and where to place which signage, emergency and safety lighting. In our training courses, you will also actively learn how to evacuate correctly or how to handle extinguishing agents.


Further training
