With decades of experience we are your reliable contact partner.

Our services!

Whether your own four walls, large-scale residential complexes or your company, we have customised solutions and concepts for your security.

Holistic approach!

In addition to new installations and repairs, we are happy to offer you our maintenance package for your fire protection trades - on time, worry-free and safe.

Door hold-open systems

Buildings are divided into fire compartments by fire walls. The fire compartments prevent the spread of fire. This requires that doors in fire walls are always closed. However, closed doors interfere with the flow of operations and are often held up (wooden wedge).

In the event of a fire, however, doors held open in this way only close when the wooden wedge burns away. Door hold-open systems hold open fire-protection and smoke-tight doors by means of magnets.

Escape route protection with panic lock

In normal operation, unobstructed passage is possible; in case of fire, the magnet releases the door and the fire compartment is closed. Fire and smoke cannot spread any further. Escape routes remain free and the amount of damage is low. Fire protection and emergency exit doors on escape and rescue routes can be secured against unauthorised access by installing panic locks. The operator has to carry out a monthly function test and is obliged to have the hold-open systems serviced annually by a specialist company. Our technical advisors will be happy to provide you with further information.

Revision closures Fire compartmentation

We carry the product line of the company EAS.

The tested and certified inspection closures from EAS offer regulation-compliant solutions for the closure of wall openings in front of electrical distributions and installation shafts.

The range includes a wide selection of products in many sizes, colours and finishes. They can be flexibly adapted to the project-related protection goal and the conditions on site.

Promat cladding

Structural fire protection is protection that the user of a building hardly notices. This fire protection is not switched on or activated at will, but is part of a very sophisticated system that must be usable and effective at all times.

There are a wide variety of coordinated solutions for this with Promat fire protection products and constructions that have been tested and approved by the building authorities.

Fire alarm systems

Fire alarm systems are used for the safe and unambiguous reporting of fire sources.

To protect people and property, automatic and manual detectors included in a fire alarm system detect the source of danger and control a variety of functions via the fire alarm control panel.

We offer VDS-compliant systems from ESSER by Honeywell, Hertek and Hekatron. Fritz Manke GmbH is a VDS certified installer company according to DIN 14675. Maintenance of existing systems is also offered.

We can also set up temporary fire alarm systems for construction sites or fire watches after welding work. For this purpose, we use radio technology, which already offers a wide range of detection and alarm options.

Smoke and heat extraction systems (RWA)

In accordance with the regulations of the state building codes, ventilation ducts in buildings with more than two full storeys and ventilation ducts bridging fire compartments must be manufactured in such a way that fire and smoke cannot be transferred to other storeys or fire compartments.

This protection goal is achieved by using fire dampers. Fire dampers are therefore intended for the automatic shut-off of fire compartments in air handling systems.

Fire dampers

Fire dampers must be installed in such a way that inspection, maintenance and cleaning work is possible. The address or assignment to the system must enable clear and unambiguous localisation in execution or revision plans. In case of free accessibility, the fire damper must be marked according to the information in the inspection plans.

If there is no free accessibility (e.g. flap is located above a suspended ceiling), a marking must be made in the immediate vicinity of the fire damper. The function must be tested at regular intervals. The maintenance requirements are described in detail in the test certificates/approvals.

The maintenance activities are part of the test certificates/approvals.

Lightning protection systems

Lightning strikes occur more frequently than is normally assumed. What does the property owner or homeowner need to consider? Basically, a distinction is made between external and internal lightning protection. Only the consideration and combination of both protective functions offers optimal lightning protection.

External lightning protection

Roof trusses, photovoltaic systems and antenna systems are particularly affected. Due to their exposed position on the roof of a house alone, there is an increased probability of a lightning strike. The resulting temperatures of up to 30,000°C can easily set fire to a roof truss or parts of a photovoltaic system. Due to high currents associated with an impact, electrical elements of photovoltaic systems can also catch fire through short circuits. You can protect yourself against this with a lightning protection system tailored to the environment.

Internal lightning protection

The strong electrical discharges caused by a lightning strike can lead to overvoltages in the wiring system of a house. Wise selection of suitable lightning protection devices for internal lightning protection can prevent e.g. computers, televisions, hi-fi systems or other electrical appliances from being destroyed and thus failing.

Gas extinguishing systems

The ultimate protection against fire for machines, devices, equipment and their surroundings.

With simplicity in mind, the direct and indirect systems offer a purely pneumatic approach. Independent of an external power source, the versatility is demonstrated by the use of different extinguishing agents in combination with high-quality components, creating an effective solution that meets the requirements of the customer and the application.

At the heart of every gas extinguishing system is its unique flexible detection hose, which offers one hundred percent effectiveness with zero false alarms. Placed in and around fire hazard areas, the hose system bursts at the point of highest heat generation in the event of a fire. To keep simplicity at the forefront, we have two unique systems in the range for use in a variety of applications.

Extinguishing water technology

Taking into account local conditions, requirements and legal regulations, we offer solutions for wall hydrants, above-ground and underground hydrants and pressure boosting systems.

Our service includes the conception, planning, construction and maintenance of the respective systems.

Fire extinguisher

Our selection includes all categories of portable fire extinguishers. Easy operation, self-explanatory functionality and quality "Made in Germany". We also offer a testing and filling service for all makes.

The choice of fire extinguisher always depends on its intended use. You should bear in mind that different sources of fire require different extinguishers. Talk to our expert advisors to make the right choice.

Radio hazard detection system

Damage due to burglary, fire, technical failure, can cause considerable economic losses in your flat, house, business or facility.

Fortunately, today's technical development makes it possible to monitor various sources of danger through a single integrated system. This way, you can be highly efficiently protected from possible damage.

Emergency and safety lighting

Emergency and safety lighting must ensure that, in the event of an interruption in the normal mains voltage, power is available to supply the emergency and safety lighting and that it is possible to leave the affected building without danger. This goal is achieved with central battery systems or by supplying individual batteries to the luminaires.

Corresponding statutory regulations for workplaces exist in ASR A1.3 Safety and health signs, ASR A2.3 Escape routes, emergency exits, escape and rescue plan and ASR A3.4/3 Safety lighting, visual safety guidance systems.

Emergency and safety lighting is of outstanding importance when evacuating and clearing buildings, as may be the case during fire incidents with power failure.

Escape route protection with panic lock

In normal operation, unobstructed passage is possible; in case of fire, the magnet releases the door and the fire compartment is closed. Fire and smoke cannot spread any further. Escape routes remain free and the amount of damage is low. Fire protection and emergency exit doors on escape and rescue routes can be secured against unauthorised access by installing panic locks. The operator has to carry out a monthly function test and is obliged to have the hold-open systems serviced annually by a specialist company. Our technical advisors will be happy to provide you with further information.

Smoke detector / Fire detector

Notice fires in commercial and private areas in time?

We offer a wide range of high quality devices. In addition to certified devices for commercial and home use, we also offer smoke detectors for the deaf and hearing impaired.

CO2 detector

Installing carbon monoxide detectors is the best measure to protect yourself from this danger.

This early warning system detects even the smallest amounts of CO concentration in your rooms and should be used wherever substances containing carbon are used. This includes the use of oil and gas boilers, gas or paraffin heaters but also barbecues, fireplaces, gas heaters and instantaneous water heaters.

Fire brigade plans
Escape and rescue route plans

Fire brigade plans consist of the object plan (overview plan) and the operation plan (detailed plan). Object plans provide the fire brigade with an overview of the object and the adjacent streets and buildings.

The operation plan consists of the floor plan of the building with entries about special hazards in the building, water tapping points and other information important for the fire brigade. With the help of the deployment plans, the fire brigade can orientate itself in the building and thus fight a fire in a targeted manner. By extinguishing the fire quickly, the spread of the fire can be limited and the amount of damage minimised.

Alarm plans describe the operational, organisational and technical measures to ensure that, in the event of damage, the necessary measures are taken for the respective accident and that the appropriate responsible persons are alerted.

Escape and rescue route plans show the course of escape routes and the locations of fire extinguishers. The plans thus enable the immediate location of fire extinguishers and an orderly evacuation.

Fire protection training

  • Theoretical and practical training in the handling of fire extinguishers (commissioning and extinguishing tactics) to quickly fight incipient fires.
  • Safe and individual fire safety training with the help of our modern fire simulator, which will significantly contribute to active operational safety.
  • Instruction in wall hydrants, fire blankets, but also causes of fire and the importance of smoke and heat detectors for early fire detection.

Evacuation & Clearance Training

  • Detailed explanation of the principle of evacuation according to fire protection regulation "B".
  • For an orderly and safe evacuation, the importance of fire and smoke doors and keeping escape and rescue routes clear is discussed.
  • The principle of eviction is practically demonstrated in your building with the participants.

Instruction in fire protection

In accordance with the requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act and the accident prevention regulation "Principles of Prevention" (DGUV Regulation 1), the employer must instruct the employees on the hazards arising during their activities and on the measures to be taken to avert them before they start work and at appropriate intervals thereafter, but at least once a year (at least every six months in the case of young people).

This instruction must also include measures against incipient fires and explosions as well as behaviour in the event of danger. However, to be effective, the instruction must be adapted to the workplace, the scope of work and the understanding of the employees.
The Ordinance on Hazardous Substances and the Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health require the employer to draw up operating instructions for activities involving hazardous substances and work equipment, insofar as this is necessary, and to make them available at a suitable place in the company. The basis for the operating instructions is the risk assessment. The operating instructions shall be written in a comprehensible form and in a language understandable to the employees.
In the case of activities involving hazardous substances and work equipment, employees must also be instructed verbally and in relation to the workplace at the previously mentioned intervals.

The content and time of the instructions shall be recorded in writing and confirmed by the signatures of the persons instructed.

Fire protection concept

Every building, every problem and every security need is different. That's why we always start our advice on the creation of a security concept with an individual analysis of weak points. Only on the basis of this knowledge can a concept for a combined electronic/mechanical security system be developed.

In general, we consider the following points in our private and commercial security concepts:

  • Consideration of all object-specific features
  • Planning with consideration of customer requirements
  • Professional assembly
  • Instruction in the operation of the system
  • Handover of a system description and comprehensible operating instructions

Risk assessment

The fire safety risk assessment (GefB BS) is an instrument to preventively and systematically identify and evaluate hazards in the company, to determine suitable protective measures for the safety and health of the employee and to check their effectiveness in the long term. Traceability, completeness and documentation are important in the preparation of a risk assessment. A risk assessment optimises work processes and prevents disruptions in the operational process. Every employer is required by law to carry out a risk assessment. In principle, the fire safety risk assessment can also be understood as part of quality management, as it shows the possibilities of risk minimisation and optimisation potentials, with the additional aim of preserving the health and integrity of the workers.

  • Risk assessment is anchored in various laws, regulations and directives.
  • In terms of content, the hazard is assessed and communicated, and appropriate measures are identified, implemented and checked for their effectiveness.
  • The defined measures are documented accordingly