What exactly is a fire protection concept?

Carelessness, faulty electrical systems and overheating often lead to devastating fires that cause immense damage, ruin companies and, in the worst case, cost lives. The creation of a well thought-out fire protection concept is therefore of crucial importance. What exactly is a fire protection concept, when is it required by law and what aspects need to be considered when drawing one up?

Fire protection concept - a brief explanation of terms

A fire protection concept is the summary of all necessary structural, technical and organisational measures that serve to prevent fires, limit their spread and enable people to be rescued in the event of a fire. It is important that the concept is customised to the respective building and its use in order to achieve an optimal effect of the planned measures.

The fire protection concept is the basis for the fire protection regulations

The fire safety regulations are a type of operating instruction for preventive fire safety and the correct behaviour in the event of a fire. Some of them must be publicly displayed in buildings and are based on the fire protection concept.

Legal requirements for fire protection concepts

Fire protection concepts are based on several legal regulations. They are generally required for special buildings and in the event of deviations from building code requirements. These include, for example, office buildings and retail outlets above a certain minimum area, high-rise buildings and hospitals. The legally binding nature of a fire protection concept for other buildings is regulated in the respective state building regulations. In addition, insurance companies may require a fire protection concept.

Contents of a fire protection concept

A fire protection concept usually consists of the following parts:

  • An introductory description of the building in which materials, dimensions and uses are presented.
  • A classification under building law that documents deviations requiring authorisation, for example.
  • Finally, the structural, technical and organisational fire protection measures are listed.

However, the structure may vary due to country-specific requirements.

Creation and testing of fire protection concepts

A fire protection concept may only be drawn up by a so-called specialist planner. The exact requirements for this vary depending on the federal state and may include practical experience in fire protection as well as specific training. In North Rhine-Westphalia, a state-recognised expert is responsible for drawing up a fire protection concept.

Fire protection concepts must be regularly reviewed and adapted to changing conditions. The review takes place in the following phases:

Before use: For new buildings, a fire protection concept must be drawn up and checked by recognised experts before construction begins. Depending on state law, these may be, for example, test engineers for fire protection.

During use: Periodic inspections are required during use. The building supervisory authorities check the proper implementation of the fire protection concept. In addition, prescribed maintenance must be carried out by the manufacturers of equipment such as fire doors.

The importance of fire safety training

A fire protection concept alone is not enough - it must also be implemented consistently. Otherwise, insurance benefits may not be paid in the event of a fire, lawsuits may be filed due to gross negligence or even the business may be shut down.

It is therefore important for companies to regularly train their employees in fire safety measures and inform them about the company's fire safety concept. This ensures that employers and employees are on the safe side in the event of an emergency.

A carefully created and implemented fire protection concept is essential to prevent fires, minimise damage and protect human life. The legal requirements vary depending on the federal state and type of building, so it is important to familiarise yourself with the relevant regulations at an early stage. Regular staff training and reviews of the fire safety concept ensure that everyone involved is up to date and can act correctly in the event of a fire.

Fritz Manke GmbH is your competent partner for all questions relating to preventive fire protection. With our many years of experience and a qualified team of experts, we offer you comprehensive advice and support in the creation of fire protection concepts. We are also happy to support you in the implementation of structural, technical and organisational fire protection measures. We attach great importance to customised solutions that are tailored to your specific requirements and needs. If you have any further questions or are interested in our services, please do not hesitate to contact us - together we will ensure a safe and fire-protected environment.