Safe methods for fighting grease fires

Before we focus on fighting a grease fire, it is important to emphasise measures to prevent these types of fires. Regular cleaning and maintenance of kitchen appliances, especially those that use fats and oils, are crucial. These measures prevent the accumulation of grease, which can pose a fire hazard.

It is also crucial to carefully control the temperature when cooking. Too high a heat can ignite the fat. It is also important never to cook unattended, especially when working with high temperatures and fat.

Use of fire blankets

A fire blanket is an effective and safe means of fighting small grease fires. The blanket smothers the fire by cutting off oxygen access to the fire. However, you should never attempt to fight a larger fire with a fire blanket. In such situations, it is best to call the fire brigade immediately.

Use of grease fire extinguishers

Special grease fire extinguishers are required for larger grease fires. These are specially designed for use on grease fires and use a chemical solution to smother the fire. However, you should only use a grease fire extinguisher if you have been trained to do so beforehand, as incorrect use can lead to a larger fire or injuries.

Call the fire brigade

In the event of a large grease fire, you should call the fire brigade immediately. Do not attempt to extinguish the fire yourself, as this can lead to serious injury. Make sure that everyone is safely evacuated from the building and wait for the fire brigade to arrive.

Dealing with grease fires after the fire

Once the fire has been extinguished, the work of post-processing begins. It is important to properly remove and replace all damaged appliances and materials. A thorough inspection of the entire kitchen should be conducted to ensure that no further hazards are present. This includes checking electrical appliances and gas lines for possible damage.

Training for the workforce

One of the most effective ways to prevent and fight grease fires is to train your staff. Every employee should know how to deal with and fight fires. They should also be trained on what actions to take if a fire breaks out.

Training courses should be conducted and updated regularly to ensure that all employees are aware of the latest safety measures. This training should include both theoretical knowledge and practical exercises to sharpen employees' skills.

Compliance with fire protection regulations

Fire safety regulations are not only required by law, they also protect your company and your employees. It is important that you find out about the applicable fire safety regulations in your region and ensure that your company complies with these regulations.

The catering and hospitality industry is particularly at risk due to the high fire hazard. However, grease fires can be effectively prevented and combated by observing preventative measures, using suitable equipment and training staff. Regardless of whether you run a small restaurant or a large hotel, it is essential that you and your staff are well prepared when it comes to fire safety.


Further training
