Fire hazards in the office: These are the most common causes of fire

How often do fires occur in the office?

Statistically, thousands of fires occur in office buildings in Germany every year. According to the German Insurance Association (GDV), office fires are responsible for a considerable proportion of reported property damage.

How often do fires occur in the office?

Statistically, thousands of fires occur in office buildings in Germany every year. According to the German Insurance Association (GDV), office fires are responsible for a considerable proportion of reported property damage.

Which electrical appliances are common causes of fire?

One of the main reasons for fires in offices is defective or incorrectly used electrical appliances. Especially devices that are constantly on or not properly maintained, such as computers, printers or coffee machines, can cause overheating and eventually fires. It is estimated that around 30% of office fires are caused by electrical appliances.

How dangerous are incorrectly laid cables?

Another common cause of fires in the office is incorrectly laid or damaged cables. Cables that are laid under carpets or bent too much can easily be damaged. This damage can cause short circuits and thus lead to the outbreak of fires.

What role does human error play?

Human error is another common cause of fire. Whether it's forgetting to turn off electronic devices, smoking in the building or improperly storing flammable materials, human error is a major contributor to fires. According to studies, around 20% of fires in offices are caused by human error.

What is the effect of combustible materials?

Offices often have a variety of combustible materials, such as paper, cardboard or plastics. If these materials are stored near sources of heat, they can easily ignite and quickly lead to a large fire. It is therefore essential to store such materials properly and keep them away from potential ignition sources.

What measures can prevent fires in the office?

Prevention is the key to avoiding fires:

  • Regular maintenance of electrical appliances: Regular inspection and maintenance of office equipment can detect and rectify defects at an early stage.
  • Correct cable routing: Cables should be laid in such a way that they are neither crushed nor overloaded.
  • Smoke detector: Installing smoke detectors in offices can provide early warning of fires and thus prevent greater damage.
  • Trainings: Regular fire safety training for employees can increase awareness of potential hazards and minimise human error.

⠀Taking these measures into account can help to significantly reduce the risk of fires in the office.


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